Earlier this month at GSE, we hosted our global field service representatives at our facility in Brummen, the Netherlands. While a joyful social occasion – because we had not been able to gather for three years – our serious purpose was to ensure the delivery of a high standard of care to our customers worldwide.
Lively workshops brought everyone up-to-date on our latest products, improvements and techniques. To help packaging printers hit their colour targets today, you’ve got to be a specialist in IT networks as much as in ‘traditional’ electrical hardware. So among others, our sessions covered new GSE Ink manager software functionality, handling the latest LED-UV and low migration inks, and smoothly installing ink dispensers and upgrades – a matter of precision today.

Informal networking was a chance to catch up and learn from each other. The necessity of online meetings over the past few years has caused many to forget the human experience and the added value it can yield.

And now our people are back home, they’re ready to share those fresh ideas for managing inks – to support customers in a changing world!