As 2024 ends, it’s an opportune time to consider the key issues for label and packaging printers – and how effective ink management can help. Our discussions with customers and co-suppliers this year suggest that digitalisation, food safety compliance and sustainability are top concerns. As we will explain, linking to articles we’ve recently published – automation and data management lie at the heart of answering these challenges.
Why adoption of digital technologies matters
The adoption of digital technologies is becoming recognised as the key to competitiveness, in an increasingly fast-paced, service-driven and regulated value chain. This is vital for driving efficiency, assuring safety compliance and improved decision-making.
Furthermore, sustainability remains a critical concern, as brand-owners expect their packaging suppliers to drive waste out of processes. It is also a data management issue as, increasingly, converters will be expected to report their scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions, and account for their success in meeting ESG targets.
How ink dispensing and software drives digital transformation
Advances in ink management software and dispensing equipment continue to play an important role in driving the package-printing supply chain’s digital transformation – the process of integrating digital technologies into all areas of work, and impacting how the business delivers value to customers as well. Here are some examples:
Integrating technologies across organisational functions: Software programs, like GSE MIS Connect, allow seamless data exchange with the ERP and ink formulation software. This means information, such as recipes and job schedules, can be retrieved whenever and wherever it’s needed, without delays or paper-trails.
Data-driven decision making: Access to accurate, real-time data about inks is essential for staying efficient and responsive in today’s fast-paced packaging supply chain. But a database alone is not sufficient, as it takes time to find or request the missing information. A proactive data analytics program, GSE Advanced reporting software, overcomes this. It allows the scheduling of tailored ink-related reports that are automatically generated and shared with defined target groups, when they are needed. Examples can be consumption, demand forecasts, and inventories.
Streamlined processes through automation: Ink dispensing systems that deliver accurate colours on demand without waste are proven to drive efficiency, cutting ink consumption by up to 30%. In 2024, we introduced solutions that further streamline processes in the ink kitchen, such as the new conveyor system for corrugated and flexible packaging applications. It provides automatic transport of ink containers to and from the dispenser – making the preparation of colours more efficient and safer. Automating processes not only reduces costs – it means staff have more time to focus on higher-value problem solving or creative tasks.
Quick response solutions for assuring food safety compliance: Traceability, quality assurance, and auditing are top concerns for package printers, in order to meet stringent food safety standards. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) serves as a benchmark for ensuring food safety throughout the supply chain. With the GSE Traceability software, printers have a documented traceability procedure and system that can track all raw materials, including inks, from suppliers through processing and distribution of the finished product, and vice versa. Visit our dedicated blog series to learn about complying with the many GFSI requirements, including record-keeping, maintenance of production equipment and good manufacturing processes, among others.
Driving sustainability through reusing inks and reporting software
The pressure for converters to drive waste out of processes will only grow – and the driver for this will be to meet sustainability targets, even more than to protect margins, important though that may be. Brands depend on transparent supply chains that do not harm the environment or society. Dispensing systems and innovative software solutions give converters the tools for meeting those expectations.
Re-using press return inks for new print jobs is an effective way of dramatically reducing ink consumption. As we revealed this year, printers can reuse returned inks even if the new target colour is fundamentally different, using the integrated ‘spectral method’ The process which involves measuring spectral data, collecting returns and formulating the recipe, is supported by a special software package, GSE Return formula dispensing. This complements the conventional way of reusing press returns of similar colours, known as the ‘mathematical method’.
Using ink management software to record ink consumption – and waste – per job, converters can also be more transparent and be better placed to quantify their environmental impact too, as well as costs.
Effective ink management: fundamental to competitiveness
Digital transformation, safety in food supply chains and sustainability are fundamental to staying competitive. In 2025, we will place extra focus on these topics – as optimized ink management is key to improving operational performance, navigating complex regulations, and showing leadership in an increasingly environmentally-conscious marketplace.
Stay tuned for inspiration in 2025!